Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 1: FIRST RPG ever played (this year)
Heute: Tag 1: ERSTES jemals gespieltes ROLLENSPIEL (dieses Jahr)
Es sind 3 Möglichkeiten vorgesehen:
1. nehmt einfach den Prompt (ohne Klammer)
2. wenn es nicht genug Inspiration ist, nehmt nur den Teil in Großbuchstaben/Fettdruck
3. zur Vermeidung von Wiederholungen oder zum Vergleich mit älteren Teilnahmen könnt ihr das in Klammern ergänzen.
Ich glaube ich werde meist bei 1 bleiben, manchmal noch 3 ergänzen.
#ttrpg #pnpde
#RPGaDAY2023 day1:
My first #RPG was #Pathfinder in the mid-2010s. My getting in contact with it was two-fold: I became aware of #ttrpg late (in my 30s), asked in a game store how my gf and I could try and they told me of starter boxes. #PFRPG just because it was the only one available then and there.
Not much later, some #mmorpg friends started an online group (also newbies, but they had just built a simple web #vtt as a hobby project ) and by pure accident that was also in PF.
The first experience was really nice. Even with only two players, it worked well (GM-less, 2 PCs each) and the adventure and the pre-gens gave us a very focused experienced. But of course, it was more like a board game than anything else.
The second one was fun, but not ideal in many ways. Mainly because the combination of system, GM style, group setup and our combined lack of experience didn't work out (I think I can elaborate some with tomorrow's question). (2/2)
Deutsch: #RPGaDAY2023 Tag 1:
Mein erstes #pnpde war #Pathfinder Mitte der 2010er. Das sogar in doppelter Hinsicht:
Ich wurde spät (erst in meinen 30ern) so richtig auf Rollenspiele aufmerksam und fragte in einem Spieleladen, wie meine Freundin und ich das mal ausprobieren könnten. Man empfahl mir Starterboxen und es wurde PF, weil es das einzige gerade lagernde war.
Wenig später haben ein paar Freunde aus einem MMORPG eine Onlinerunde gestartet (alle auch Anfänger, aber sie hatten gerade als Hobbyprojekt mal eben einen einfachen Web-VTT gebaut ). Purer Zufall, dass das dann auch in PF war.
Die erstgenannte Erfahrung war eine ziemlich gute. Sogar mit nur zwei Spielenden hatte es gut funktioniert (ohne separate SL und mit je 2 Chars) und das Abenteuer und die vorgefertigten Charaktere haben uns eine ziemlich fokussierte Erfahrung beschert. Aber dadurch hatte es sich auch eher wie ein Brettspiel angefühlt als sonst irgendwas.
Das Zweite war auch spassig, aber in vielfacher Hinsicht suboptimal. Hauptsächlich weil die Kombination von System, SL-Stil, Gruppenzusammensetzung und der mangelnden Erfahrung aller Beteiligten nicht funktionierte (ich glaube ich kann da mit der morgigen Frage noch etwas ins Detail gehen).
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Heute: Tag 2: Die erste Rollenspiel-SPIELLEITUNG
Die kursierende Übersetzung von ScarSacul grenzt hier auf die eigene Spielleitungserfahrung ein, das lese ich im Englischen so nicht heraus (sonst würde dort wahrscheinlich "first gamemasterING" o.ä. stehen). Nach meinem Verständnis ist sogar eher "die SL beim ersten Spielen" gemeint, wenn man es nicht selbst war.
#RPGaDAY2023 day 2:
The starter box aside, my first GM was the guy that had also done most work on that #VTT-thing.
It was a fun experience, but some things didn't work out at all. No blame on him - I would have probably done much worse myself back then. But I think there are lessons to be learned from it that I'd like to share here (definitely not complete new-GM-advice or even universal, but some points that would have definitely helped this group).
0 - Don't be intimidated - as written above, we all had fun although a lot went "wrong"
1 - Get info on the systems, don't just play the first that comes along (full PF was much too complex for most of us)
2 - Don't dive into a big campaign head first, better go with one-shots first to get some experience. Best even try out different things to find out what you all like.
3 - Try to be flexible for deviations, sometimes they're the most fun.
4 - Take your time to prepare, at least read ahead what's coming in the next session (when going with ready-made products). Reading along during the session hardly ever works.
5 - You don't need to read everything to the players and there's also info in the books that's only for the GM!
6 - It's always better to play out social interactions instead of just handing out everything the NPC knows
7 - Agree on the desired play style and power level and best create characters together.
8 - If you don't have a clue about 7 yet (you probably won't), just go with something, but adapt once you all know better (or reroll for the next session - see 2)
9 - Write down the most common mechanics with modifiers etc. and have the players do it for theirs - discussing for half an hour every session how an attack roll is calculated is not fun.
10 - Talk to each other, you should have fun together. It's also absolutely ok to say when you're stuck and need a break or to ask for help.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 3: First RPG BOUGHT (this year)
Heute: Tag 3: Das erste GEKAUFTE Rollenspiel (dieses Jahr)
(Addition by me)
Some ideas to not only post game names today: why? what's special about it? First ever: do you still have/play it?
(Zusatz von mir)
Ein paar Ideen, um heute nicht nur Namen zu posten: warum? Was ist besonders daran? Beim ersten jemals: hast und spielst du es noch?
#RPGaDAY2023 day 3: My first purchase ever was #PFRPG (no surprise if you read my last two days).
This year I'm not exactly sure - I bought multiple starter boxes in the first months of this and the end of last year to have more of the popular RPGs to try out (and have a broad selection of them available for the beginner groups I sometimes do).
It could actually be #pf2e , but also #Hexxen1733 , #dnd5e, #CyberpunkRED or #TheOneRing
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 4: Most RECENT game bought
Heute: Tag 4: ZULETZT gekauftes Spiel
(Der Großschrift-Prompt - die Alternative für mehr Freiraum - könnte auch mit kürzlich/aktuell etc. übersetzt werden)
#RPGaDay2023 day 4:
My two most recent purchases were last week, only minutes apart. First #HumbleBundle's Book Bundle of #Bethesda #ttrpg & #3dprinting files ( #modiphiusgames stuff), which I got mostly for the STLs and #fomo.
Second, I took part in the preorder of @systemmatters' german translation for #DCC #Lankhmar. I still haven't played DCC yet and only started reading Leiber's books afterwards, but it seems to be a really fascinating setting and rules supplement.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 5: OLDEST game you've played
Heute: Tag 4: ÄLTESTES Spiel, das du gespielt hast
#RPGaDay2023 Day 5:
Unless I've forgotten something, that was probably a #DSA4 one-shot we played at a small con once (I think it was at the #HeldenCon in #Marchtrenk (near #Linz/ #Wels), #Austria - must have been around 2018).
I usually tend to play new(er) games, just because I don't have a long running group and most PUGs offer current systems.
There's old-school stuff in it, though.
And did I tell you I had my first-ever round of actual #dnd (any ed.!) only two months ago?
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 6: Favourite game you NEVER get to play
Heute: Tag 6: Liebstes Spiel, das du NIE spielst
#RPGaDay2023 Day 6:
That game is jinxed for me. Was looking for opportunities to try out for literal years. Everytime I found something, the group was full or whatever.
Then, about a year ago, I finally had an appointment and - guess what - right then I got Covid two days earlier and wasn't able to attend.
At that point, I've given up and don't really care about it or look for anything anymore.
*I'd have preferred #fateaccelerated , but would have been fine with #fatecore
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 7: SMARTEST RPG you've played
Heute: Tag 7: das KLÜGSTE* Rollenspiel, das du gespielt hast
*intelligenteste, cleverste, smarteste, etc. (bin mir nicht sicher, was die beste Übersetzung wäre...)
#RPGaDay2023 day 7:
I haven't played many representatives yet, so I'll stay with the family as a whole.
I think "smart" is just the right term for it. Reminds me of Apple: it didn't really invent the concepts, but it evolved and combined them to create something refined and unique. And, very much unlike Apple, everything openly shared with the community, it keeps on growing and fanning out into very special themes (often carrying their respective vibes perfectly).
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 8: Favourite CHARACTER
Heute: Tag 8: LieblingsCHARAKTER
#RPGaDay2023 day 8:
My favourite character (mainly PCs) is actually an empty hull.
Predefined as shallowly as possible and ready to be filled with what we discover about their present and past in play.
That's my preferred approach when I'm a player and even more so when I'm GM.
"Don't tell me about your PC, let me get to know them!"
(Or: show, don't tell)
Sadly, I don't encounter many players that like (or at least dare to try) that, too.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 9: Favourite DICE
Heute: Tag 9: LieblingsWÜRFEL*
*) streng genommen (aber im Englischen oft falsch verwendet) ist es der Plural (Mehrzahl)
#RPGaDay2023 day 9:
First of all, some kind of randomness (dice or alternatives) is important and is what differentiates #ttrpg from pure storytelling (which is not better or worse, just something else) for me.
Where that randomness comes from, is not that important.
In regards to the number of die faces, d20 was a wise decision for calculation with its 5% steps.
But myself, I prefer the normal distribution of multiple dice.
And of course there are dice sets I like, but they change...
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 10: Favourite tie-in FICTION
Heute: Tag 10: liebstes Tie-In-MEDIUM*
* also ein Werk, das von einem RPG abgeleitet ist. Üblicherweise denkt man nach meinem Verständnis des englischen Begriffs "Fiction" zuerst an Geschriebenes, aber eigentlich dürften auch Filme und digitale Spiele mit hineinzählen.
#RPGaDay day 10:
There are tie-ins that I like, sure. But I'm not sure I ever liked one because they are tie-ins. Especially #dnd.
The last #dnd-movie, for example, I would have probably liked better if it had just been some generic fantasy.
The only thing that could count here because of its special setting is a handful of short stories I read from the #WoD #Vampire background (as well as the #vtmbloodlines game). But I don't know that #ttrpg at all, so I couldn't really count that, either.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 11: WEIRDEST game you've played
Heute: Tag 11: das SELTSAMSTE Spiel, das du gespielt hast
#RPGaDay day 11:
I don't think I've actually played a really weird game yet. Ok, parts of #mutantyearzero's setting have a weird touch. And #nibiru's character backgrounds sounded extremely weird at first read. But they both feel perfectly sensible within their games.
In play, my weirdest experience was a round of #Pathfinder's "We be Goblins" that I GM'd as a filler one-shot between our no-nonsense #PFRPG campaign, when our usual GM needed a break.
The group spent the whole session at the initial party (originally just supposed to be some simple tutorial rolls iirc) doing all sorts of fun, games, drinks and pranks. All kinds of weird stuff, basically everything except the "serious" #ttrpg'ing we were used to. It seems we were all hungry for a different kind of playing at that point.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 12: Old game you STILL play
Heute: Tag 12: ein altes Spiel, das du IMMER NOCH spielst
(Ich glaube bei der Frage bin ich selbst heute mal raus)
#RPGaDay day 12:
The only #ttrpg I currently play semi-regularly is the #savageworlds mod #thabor. So this also makes it today's answer (no, it's not old at all...).
What I would still play is probably everything, given the right circumstances (group, schedule, GM-style etc). But instead of the real old stuff, it's probably more likely it'd be something #osr.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 13: Most memorable character DEMISE
Heute: Tag 13: das denkwürdigste ABLEBEN eines Charakters
#RPGaDay day 13:
I'll interpret today's question a bit more freely and decide for an NPC. To be precise, an opponent whose demise 7 years ago I remember better than deaths of my own PCs this year.
It was a really hard fight in #PFRPG, mainly because we were trying to catch him alive for questioning, which was very important for most of our party.
I was fighting him face to face with my paladin, getting beat up badly, not wanting to use my weapon but only shield and fist.
At the same time, the rogue kept plinking away with arrows because he just didn't care. Luckily he was missing a lot and I could finally knock him out before we risked to kill him or had losses ourselves (it really was a close one).
So there he was, unconscious in front of us, and we were searching through our gear for some rope to tie him up.
Mr. Rogue had other priorities and collected his arrows. Including the ones that were stuck in our opponent's stomach.
One die roll later, we turned around to see the person we risked so much to catch him alive bleed to death.
With that, Cadhelm the Paladin had had enough and he finally could not reconcile it with his conscience to fight side by side with such unscrupulous types and he continued his holy quest separately from the group.
(actually I had been tired of playing a defensive lawful stupid in that campaign, but this was a wonderful reason to quit in style).
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 14: Favourite CONVENTION purchase
Heute: Tag 14: Der liebste Kauf bei einer CONVENTION
#RPGaDay2023 day 14:
The third edition of #beyondthewall's German translation (the first as hardcover iirc) is my only Con purchase to date. I got everyone from the small publisher @systemmatters available at the booth to sign it.
I bought it at the only #ttrpg sales con I ever visited, the last ever #RPC (2018) in # #cologne. While it was an interesting experience, it's not something I need regularly - I much prefer the smaller regional playing cons.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 15: Favourite Con MODULE / ONE-SHOT
Heute: Tag 15: Liebstes Con-MODUL" / ONE-SHOT
*) d.h. Abenteuer o.ä.
#RPGaDay2023 day 15: I usually attend cons as a player only, usually trying to experience games I don't know yet.
What worked well for me in similar occasions (#freerpgday, spontaneous GMing when all rounds at the con are full) is something in #BeyondTheWall, based on one of the random table modules, but adapted to what comes up in the village and character generation.
My main goal then is to leave room for the players' ideas and go with the flow.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 16: Game you WISH you owned
Heute: Tag 16: Spiel, das du zu besitzen WÜNSCHST
#RPGaDay2023 day 16:
Most of the time, I just get what I'd like (or save for it etc.). But sometimes there's stuff that just isn't available or I won't get because it's too much of a hassle (or cost) to get.
Last one among them was #DnD5e that I wanted to get in digital version (#WotC just doesn't offer one I can own and use on my devises as I wish, so I won't get it). Probably I won't buy it in print either, because I'm tired of these business practices.
Today at #RPGaDay2023:
Day 17: FUNNIEST game you've played
Heute: Tag 17: Das LUSTIGSTE Spiel, das du gespielt hast
#RPGaDay day 17:
I haven't tried any #ttrpg *system* yet that would qualify as funny per se (and couldn't really imagine it).
Practically every "normal" round I had (outside horror and things like that) would have its comic relieve moments and I often help create them. But I remember 2 that stand out:
One was the #PFRPG "We be Goblins" session I already mentioned for prompt 11 ("weirdest"). I think the complete session was kind of a comic relieve for the campaign at that point.
The other was a #DnD5e Con round two months ago (my only ever #dnd round yet) - random people (that hadn't known each other before!) and their characters just clicked and we created funny situations and dialogs together all the time. All while still playing the plot seriously.
In fact, the round was so good that we've arranged an online sequel, which happens to be tomorrow. But I'm afraid we'll be a bit disappointed because the magic of that day probably can't just be repeated.
@gorobar Ein komischer Dude beim Studium meinte zu zwei anderen komischen Dudes, die zufällig ich und ein Kumpel waren, dass er gerne mit uns DSA ausprobieren würde. Er hatte kaum Erfahrung, wir gar keine. Haben dann gebastelt, am schwarzen Brett nach noch einem Dude gesucht und es ging los.
Spielen bis heute zusammen Rollenspiel.
First #RPG I ever played: The dark Eye 2, when a friend brought it from a summer camp. I was hooked at "you play together", playing elves, and slaying Orks. About 1992.
Erstes jemals gespieltes #Rollenspiel: Das Schwarze Auge 2, das ein Freund aus einem Ferienfreizeit mitbrachte. Ich liebte "ihr spielt nicht gegeneinander" und Elfen — und wir metzelten Orks in Zweier-Runden (1SL, 1 Spieler). Etwa 1992.
@gorobar #RPGaDay2023 Tag.3 Mein erstes gekauftes RPG Buch war wohl Deutschland in den Schatten von Shadowrun was lange Zeit viel Spaß gemacht hat. Das Prinzip der Shadowrunner die nicht zwangsweiße immer in der selben Besetzung auf Runs/Abenteuer gehen hat mit der Aktivität im RPG Verein prima harmoniert. Noch Heute spiele ich mit einem Rollenspielerpool aus dem sich die aktuelle Sitzung immer anders Zusammensetzt. (aber nicht mehr SR) #ttrpg #pnpde
#RPGaDay2023 Dieses Jahr habe ich eine zweites Exemplar von Coyote & Crow gebraucht gekauft, da uns Setting und System gefällt kann uns ein zweites regelwerk im Haus auf jeden Fall helfen. Das Spiel dürfte in den Bereich Solarpunk fallen. Es wurde von American Natives komplett erdacht und handelt auf einem Kontinent der nie kolonisiert wurde. Auf jeden Fall ein Blick wert. #ttrpg #pnpde
Tatsächlich hab ich dieses Jahr erst für ein RPG Geld ausgegeben. Also berichte ich weiterhin von Coyote & Crow. Die American Natives haben eine wundervolle Kultur dort abgebildet, inkl. einer Gesellschaft die sich auf das Miteinander konzentriert und die es gelernt hat mit alternativen Energien sich in eine nahe Zukunft entwickeln. Es ist aber nicht nur fancy Technikkram untergebracht sondern auch viel Info zu Sport, Musik, Komödie. #ttrpg #pnpde
@gorobar #RPGaDay2023:
Tag.5: Darauf hab ich nie geachtet. evtl Warhammer FRPG oder Arcanum? War beides interessant zu seiner Zeit. Würde ich beides heute nicht mehr spielen wollen. Bei Warhammer FRPG bin ich sehr überrascht das das nach x Editionen und der selben Kampagne wie in der 1ed heute noch jemand begeistern kann. Was natürlich nur meine Meinung darstellt, wenn es dir gefählt: Viel Spaß damit! #ttrpg #pnpde
Tag 7: das KLÜGSTE* Rollenspiel, das du gespielt hast
Als erstes fällt mir dazu TechNoir ein, weil es so toll mit Sprache arbeitet, aber letztendlich spiele ich eigentlich die meisten Systeme oder Settings weil ich irgendein Aspekt für clever halte. Vollkommen unterschiedliche Aspekte die sich auch schlecht vergleichen lassen.
#ttrpg #pnpde
Tag 10: liebstes Tie-In-MEDIUM*
Das Buch DraculaUnredacted für NightsBlackAgents fand ich sehr gelungen.
#RPGaDay2023: Tag 11: das SELTSAMSTE Spiel, das du gespielt hast
Ich meine es hieß "The Elves have Guns", war ein Beitrag zu einer der Tanelorn Chalenges das ich mal geleitet habe, die Charaktere gehören den Naturverbundenen Elfen an und sie erhalten Waffen und Technik die sie zwar ihren Gegnern überlegen macht aber sie auch ihrem eigenen Volk entfremdet. Was soweit gehen kann das sie sich zu Orks verwandeln. #ttrpg #pnpde
@gorobar @systemmatters it’s such a fantastic game
@FriendlyFiend @gorobar @systemmatters pretty much, was my first #ttrpg and I am playing this with my current group including the expansion
@FriendlyFiend @systemmatters absolutely - still my favourite one-shot and #ttrpg introduction system
Moin zusammen, ich habe keine gute Impulskontrolle. Wenn mir was gefällt besorge ich es mir auch früher oder später. Aktuell warte ich auf die nächst Erweiterung für #DieVerbotenenLande .