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Made myself a font out of Warhammer-decals to use in my pictures.
Some of the wider symbols are using two characters, else they would have been too tiny and lose detail.
It's not perfect, but it'll add a bit convenience to my drawing-process.

@kymareas No, because I don't have the rights for those symbols.
I have no idea if GW would be okay with this.

@Eatsbluecrayon I guess you can ask them if you can publish it. But it seems to be a pain if the ass to get any response from GW for content created by the community

@kymareas And I would risk some knee-jerk-lawyer-reaction. There's a very distinct rift between "oldschool nerdy GW" and "corporate GW" and while I love the former, I bet I would get fucked by the latter. 😂