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The excellent Atkinson Hyperlegible font from the Braille Institute, designed to be highly legible for low-vision readers, has just been updated with two new versions, one with an updated and extended character set and a monospace version.

I've been using Hyperlegible for years both for myself and in design work I do (both paid and volunteer), and really like using it.

(Caveat: As far as I know, there's no current science confirming that any particular font is "better" for accessibility, and for many people, a familiar font may be more legible than a new font, however much thought has been put into designing the new font for legibility. That said, _I_ find Atkinson Hyperlegible to be clean and pleasing to read and use, and frequently recommend it when people ask about this sort of thing.)

Braille InstituteAtkinson Hyperlegible Font - Braille InstituteRead easier with Atkinson Hyperlegible Font, crafted for low-vision readers. Download for free and enjoy clear letters and numbers on your computer!