Woah! Thank you!
Never thought I would be saying this... I'm one bundle sale away from the max sales goal on itch!
It is an honor to updating and expanding out my font collection!
More Info Below
Woah! Thank you!
Never thought I would be saying this... I'm one bundle sale away from the max sales goal on itch!
It is an honor to updating and expanding out my font collection!
More Info Below
Okay folks, i need your opinion. Which font would you prefer for the comic I'm writing?
(Seems I can't have an image and a poll at the same time)
Any recommendation for a nice variable serif web font for my personal blog?
I'm looking for something that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.
And I totally wanna check out variable font. the more axis the better!
Today I learned about https://fontdrop.info by @workingwithtype
Which is a website that helps you analyze a #font without uploading it to a web server.
Cool tool. #TIL
So bear with me... Sometimes, when I don't know what else to draw for @pixel_dailies, I make some 16x #emoji for my pixel #font. For Feb. 21, I took inspiration from #VGM composed by #Chip Tanaka.
Doctor Mario
Kid Icarus
Boah wie schön ist denn der Hyperlegible Font?
Form follows Function und diese Schriftart ist vom Braille Institut für Menschen, die weniger gut sehen können entwickelt worden und ist richtig hübsch
#BrailleInstitut #Font #Hyperlegible #Schriftart
Does anyone know of a great *cursive* monospace font?
I'm using Victor Mono Italic (patched with Nerdfonts) and it's almost what I want, but still draws distinct letter forms rather than joining ones.
(Yes, I sometimes write in cursive, but I'm still in vim, because my brain is monospace.)
@mwichary I think I'll install this #font on my computer. Here's a link if anyone else wants to too: https://webonastick.com/fonts/routed-gothic/
What #font is that? It reminds me of Fixedsys, but the ‘y’ glyph is completely different.
of water
in the desert
is, at times, all that can be relied on.
Original painting available at: https://xxyxxy.com/items/uoWMd7F0
Atkinson Hyperlegible Next from Braille Institute. Expanded language support monospace version, and more weights.
The excellent Atkinson Hyperlegible font from the Braille Institute, designed to be highly legible for low-vision readers, has just been updated with two new versions, one with an updated and extended character set and a monospace version.
I've been using Hyperlegible for years both for myself and in design work I do (both paid and volunteer), and really like using it.
(Caveat: As far as I know, there's no current science confirming that any particular font is "better" for accessibility, and for many people, a familiar font may be more legible than a new font, however much thought has been put into designing the new font for legibility. That said, _I_ find Atkinson Hyperlegible to be clean and pleasing to read and use, and frequently recommend it when people ask about this sort of thing.)
@Jeremiah I really need to make a #font #list with all the good fonts designed for #accessibility and/or flexibility.
Von der #Skizze zur digitalen #Handschrift: Die Type-Designerin Ulrike Rausch (#liebefonts) zeigt in ihrem #Vortrag am Donnerstag, den 20. Februar, wie sie zahlreiche Ligaturen und alternative Buchstabenformen mit ausgefeilter #OpenType-Programmierung und neuester #Font-Technologie kombiniert, um Handschriften-Fonts zu produzieren, die kaum noch als digitales Produkt zu erkennen sind http://sbb.berlin/nnw7a