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Some sweet, soft

Saqqara and Arrian being a thing is real.

@Eatsbluecrayon awww — thank you for sharing!

@Curator something for your collection of inclusive art?

@orthros When i posted art of those two romantically together on Twitter (many moons ago), the author of the book series himself liked it and I'm counting this as a confirmation, that this is canon! They do have so much chemistry. 😊
So - it's indeed love AND Warhammer!

@Eatsbluecrayon that’s so wonderful! I’m glad for you!

Apologies if my original post came off as rude. I couldnt help making a pun. 😅

Excited to see the final piece!

@orthros No worries - I didn't take it as rude! But I just had to share my excitement over Josh Reynolds being on board with shipping those two.