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[P] On the flipside, Neurodiver was exactly what the doctor ordered.
[S] Hooray for healing minds! My favourite thing to do!
[P] As incredible as it is, though? That ending is... mh. It's something I see in media a lot and it's based upon deeply flawed older studies that pseudosciency types have clung to. That happens, sometimes. Phrenology was a thing for a depressingly long time. Anyway, the issue is with merging—it never works.

#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign #videogames


[P] It's funny... The scores for MH: Wilds show just outside of hiverarchy I am. I don't try to be! I'm not trying to be unique or special! It's just a.) hunting is pointless; b.) hunting is gross; c.) hunting is dull; and d.) I hear the whining and the crying, I see the limping, and I just CAN'T. Maybe it's the neurodivergence, maybe decades of abuse, but I cannot be desensitised. I guess that ties into my 0% Dark Triad score. Universal empathy?

[P] I've finally gotten the chance to play Neurodiver and I ADORE it. I'm bwing a healer of minds so of course I do, that's always going to get a tail awag. Still, in looking up the game to see what others thought of it? It was largely feminine names that found the neurodiver cute. *blorp!* I... don't know how to feel about that, but it does add to a growing body of evidence I'm seeing from a... variety of angles. Hm. More data is always good.

#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign #videogames


#solarpunk #TTRPG "Why we fight" is launching a crowdfunding campaign in less than 30 minutes at

I have very mixed feelings about the focus on violence, but I'm curious of their community-building aspect. Maybe finally someone got it right?

Let's see how they designed it...

EDIT: Playtest available at

BackerKitWhy We Fight - a solarpunk narrative TTRPG Launch PartyGet excited about Why We Fight - a solarpunk narrative TTRPG on BackerKit - come join!

[P] I really want to see a study regarding Monster Hunter players, vis-a-vis Dark Triad score and degrees of being unbothered by displays of extreme pain. I'm of the mindset that the only way someone would enjoy that without being bothered much is due to a lack of overall empathy. I think Monster Hunter is a Dark Triad magnet, and only serves to amplify Dark Triad traits in those who are uncomfortable yet feel peer-pressured to play.

#JDR #GameDesign
Quand on parle du jdr Ambre, adapté des romans de Zelazny, on évoque surtout son fonctionnement Diceless que j'aime énormément
On parle moins souvent de la gestion des PNJ issus des romans
Dans Ambre, pour chaque perso des romans le MJ dispose de plusieurs statblocks très différents, selon le rôle qu'il veut donner à ce PNJ dans sa campagne
Je trouve l'idée brillante et elle pourrait être utilisée pour d'autre cadre de jeu, surtout pour du bac-à-sable.

Fortgeführter Thread

The challenge is to choose 20 games that greatly influenced you.

One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, no particular order.


Day 18
Analogue: A Hate Story

en.wikipedia.orgAnalogue: A Hate Story - Wikipedia

GDC, Networking 101

Networking doesn’t just happen in meeting rooms—it happens in hallways, lobbies, and even bathroom lines.

#GDC #gamedesign #mobilegames #gamedevelopment #gamedeveloper #indiedev #unity3d #madewithunity #mobilegaming #businessofgames #gamedev

How Not to Stand Awkwardly in a Corner at Moscone Center.

Surrounded by devs, publishers, and industry leaders, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

[P] This baffles me...

"Here's our beautiful game. It has a lovely setting with fun characters and a compelling story. Here's all the features it has: look at the puzzles, the exploration, a little platforming too. Here's a slow pan, we're about to flash our game's title logo! Oh wait here's two seconds of combat—TITLE LOGO!"

If you're that ashamed of your game having combat, why include combat? If you aren't ashamed, then... Why this? Why is thia a thing?

#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign


[P] This was fun to watch...

What is it about Sonic? If there's one thing that Sonic really exemplifies? It's the acceptance of all kinds of dissimilarity. It doesn't matter whether one's a slow-talking big fellah looking for his frog, a robot who's broken the shackles of his programming, an edgelord with alien DNA, or a confused boy from the future. There's no baseline of "Normal" for Sonic. Never was.

#psychology #gamedev #gamedesign #sonicthehedgehog

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