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Here is a thing I made 33+ years ago, then scanned and augmented and things _much_ more recently. It's ... everything you'd expect from a Tales From the Floating Vagabond module from 1992, and _slightly more._

But it's free. So there's that.

itch.ioWeirder Tales: A Space Opera by Cumberland Games & DiversionsA digital preservation of the 1992 Tales From the Floating Vagabond module.

Been working on some Traveller adventure writing set in the wilds around some “extralegal” ports.

And I’ve been really thinking…

What is the difference between a bunch of heavily armed outlaws building a base, and “trading” with their neighbors and a (polity? Empire?) other then scale and treaties?

Does anyone out there have real original Sons of Kryos dice? T-shirts?

I’m listening to the podcast and i’m up to ep28, it’s a total blast, and with the old Forge forums too it’s a record of an amazing moment in rpgs. So much inspiring stuff. Anyone know of any other cool resources from that time? Or from any time?

Luke Crane: “your computah is on fiyah!”