ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst. wird von RollenspielMonster bereitgestellt. Wir bieten einen Platz für Rollenspiel, Pen & Paper, Tabletop, TCG und vieles mehr. Die primäre Sprache ist Deutsch.

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How I prepare Adventures for the table using

-= Interludium 2 =-
What is my personal goal....

I don't want to replace notebooks. I am a sucker for pen & paper, literally. A real paper notebook and some good pens are my everyday (and night) companions. I love the haptics, it's a different kind of thinking & writing.


At the desk I don't want to fight tons of paper, dice, pencils etc. What I need is everything prepared, enabling me to do smooth DMing.

@Just_me For that I usually slim down the core of my preparation on a single mind map in tiny handwriting ☺

@ArneBab I see. I use a lot of existing modules/adventures for some very different systems like and more. Plus, my head is so busy because I'm interested in so many things that became my weapon of choice.
Preparing the adventures is part of the fun and I love the deep dive into these.

@Just_me sounds great!

I used to prepare more, but kind of lost the grip on that when I had a group who didn’t care about the planning I did.

So maybe my shorter preparation is partly a symptom of something I didn’t yet fully work through (in the past 15 years …).