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Saying you hate Jews because "the Zionists have ruined it" is like...


...I'm too tired to make an analogy here.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@serge … saying you hate dinner, because broccoli tastes bad to you?


No, because it's not "I hate dinner" it's "I wish I didn't have to murder all the Jews, but the ones who go to synagogue have ruined it for all of them."

@serge I tried finding an analogy with similarly high disconnect but without murder.

But yes, that this is not just distaste, but something which gets people to commit murder is important.

Would this be clearer?

"I wish I didn’t have to murder everyone in the kitchen, but offering broccoli on the menu has ruined it for all of them."

@serge (and yes, it’s hard to find something that adequately describes that false generalization as well as the intense hate due to something which is so far away for most people that most of them will never see what it means in reality)


I agree, I wish I had an analogy that didn't have murder, but the problem with this is two fold:

1. The antisemites right now in the US, Canada, UK, France, etc. are openly calling for Jewish deaths.

2. The term Zionist is used as both an insult and a dog whistle to justify the #1

@serge @ArneBab

At this point anyone who uses Zionist as a slur I write off as an anti-Semite.