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Arne Babenhauserheide

@yogthos "unintentionally" as in: the of the does not have teeth when it’s just used on a server, and too few people chose the to preserve copyleft.

See what Google has to say about it:

AGPL has been available since 2002:

Google Open SourceAGPL Policy  |  Google Open Source

@ArneBab @yogthos

> WARNING: Code licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) MUST NOT be used at Google.

I didn't know it was this easy to make big tech leave their fingers from your software.

@ArneBab @yogthos Yeah, thanks for the info! I'll definitely keep this in mind in my future licensing decissions.

@flameeyes @ArneBab @yogthos Interesting. That is one downside, although it does protect you from the embrace-extend-extinguish cycle.

@Jummit @ArneBab @yogthos though it means you can't complain why things like Apple deciding to rewrite everything in a more permissive license.