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Habe gestern per Bluetooth-Kopfhörer mehrfach an der Lautstärke rumgestellt

Heute dann die alten Overears wieder an Klinke angesteckt und #uBUNTu auf'm Arbeitsrechner hat wieder alle Pegel so weit verhauen dass man es mit #pavucontrol nicht repariert bekommt

Ich muss 2024 noch wild mit #alsamixer rumstellen um mein Audio verwenden zu können.

Erklär das mal einer Oma der ich nen #Linux-Rechner in die Hand drücken würde!

Einfach nur kaputt!

Ich habe seit ca. 5 Jahren dieses #PulseAudio-Problem und jetzt lerne ich: »Resolved now via the sticky profile setting.«

Tatsächlich, im "Konfiguration"-Reiter in Pavucontrol ist ein Schlösslesymbol, um Einstellungen zu fixieren, die dann beim Erkennen von neuen Geräten nicht überschrieben werden.

GitLabHDMI output always comes back upon resume from suspend, even if I turned it off in pavucontrol (#950) · Tickets · PulseAudio / pulseaudio · GitLabRunning GNOME 3.36 on Fedora 32, but this has happened to me for as long as I can remember in any version: in the "Configuration" tab of pavucontrol,...

I'm still procrastinating about installing #FreeBSD as my daily driver. Reading the handbook is amazing but things like sound still play upon my mind. I know it uses OSS which I have no experience of and I realise that I could also use what I have now which is #PipeWire with #PulseAudio . I'm just not sure whether to go with the default or stick as I am now ? I do occasionally use a DAW like Ardour.
I guess I'm probably a little nervous and worried, but really like the whole BSD way of thinking and doing stuff. Reading up and just setting up my #HomeLab with FreeBSD has really ignited my passion again and I'm finding learning new stuff exciting again.
What are other folk using on their daily drivers for sound and obviously feel free to mention other stuff too ? ❤️

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@itsfoss 1 correction though: You claim “you can't rely on ALSA as it will take control of the entire sound device, so you can only use it to handle one application at a time. So no hardware multiplexing.”

That’s false. I remember my main advantage switching from OSS to ALSA was being to play 2 apps at the same time. I still feel like #PulseAudio is the new kid on the block—now I feel old👴 explicitly lists “Hardware mixing of multiple channels.” as a feature.

en.wikipedia.orgAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture - Wikipedia
Fortgeführter Thread

immer man nicht einfach Pulse nutzt. #pulseaudio kann zwar auch nativ Netzwerk, ist aber eher nervig in der Bedienung und unzuverlässig. Über nc hats durch Buffer unschön viel Delay. Hab nun #ROCToolkit gefunden. Kann sich das Audio von Pulse(monitor) greifen und per RTP mit wenig Latenz auf andere Geräte rausjagen. Leider fehlt in der Doku etwas Quickstart, aber überschaubar komplex und bisher keine Probleme mit gehabt.

roc-streaming.orgRoc Toolkit

Further Fedora 40 fun:

  • with VMware Workstation (F40 running in a guest) KDE w/ Wayland is super broken on a bunch of levels. VMware (by way of what forum posts I've seen) is half ignoring Wayland's existence sooooooo kinda par for the course there sigh Side note I wish there really was a good cross platform consistent "desktop" experience. VMware is close, but blergh everything in that space these days is now obnoxiously epicly hard. Switched to Cinnamon xorg so mouse leaves the vm and copy/paste buffers work. Not ideal, but it works so le sigh
  • VMware + pipewire results in delightfully garbage audio experience (mostly choppy). Tried the troubleshooting, and mucking about - no dice. After some stabbing (and not WANTING to go backwards here as pipewire really is vastly superior), I swapped in pulseaudio and tada it's all happy. Corner cases abound here and I'm sure I'm tripping over a bunch.

After that everything looks like it's super happy. The laptops have been happy as can be, no issues that I've found yet so other than VMs are obnoxious, this has been great
