Day 12 at #RPGaDay2023: Old game you still play
(I add "this year" to the prompt)
So far I've only played new RPGs this year. The only exception was a Call of Cthulhu game but that was a solo game and not our campaign.
Let's wait and see how the year will continue.
Day 13 at #RPGaDay2023: Most memorable character demise
(I add "this year" to the prompt)
My DCC character jumped off a ship into the dark water to protect the group as a distraction from the sea monster.
Yes, he was a simple turnip farmer and yes, it was a funnel where his friends didn't see the end of the adventure either.
Day 14 at #RPGaDay2023: Favourite convention purchase
(I add "this year" to the prompt)
I haven't been to any conventions this year. In October I will visit the SPIEL in Essen. I'm curious what I will discover in the RPG area and which publishers are there. Maybe I will discover some special dice?!
Dice are always a favourite purchase.
Day 15 at #RPGaDay2023: Favourite Con Module/One-Shot
(I add "this year" to the prompt)
Similar answer as on day 14: I haven't been to any conventions this year. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take part in the OneShot at DCC-Day either. We were on the freeway at that time and at least listened to the panels thanks to twitch.
Day 16 at #RPGaDay2023: Game you wish you owned
(I add "this year" to the prompt)
This year I wished for Household (made by Broken Compass) - and it arrived just today. And I will start to unpack the big package right now.
@terraminima saw this game at gencon and thought it looked cool. Have you played?
Not yet. The physical books just arrived today.