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Alastor de Ion

Speaking of campaigns: has a prologue chapter that takes place a couple of years before the start of the campaign proper. It is highly recommended to play this chapter, but it raises the question of how to bridge the gap. A time jump is one solution, playing other modules another. I chose the latter and followed the Peru chapter with the module “Genius Loci” from the anthology “Doors To Darkness”. As we played, one player remembered…

that they had played the module before (I had given my players a list of modules I wanted to run initially, but it hadn’t rung a bell). I heavily converted the scenario to accomodate for that, but it proved unnecessary in the end. Another player had an episode of Murder Hobo and shot a key NPC resulting in incarceration of the group at the Locus… After the required time passed, they were rescued by another PC in a very dramatic session including a zombie plague and friendly fire, finally…

…allowing us to get back on track to start MoN at the proper date.
I highly recommend the “Doors To Darkness” anthology, check it out!