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Alastor de Ion

7th Edition is one of my favorite RPGs. Let’s talk about investigator rewards and how we can perhaps improve on those. The rulebook gives three options: 1. Investigator development phase, usually at the end of a chapter. 2. rewards for story goals and/or defeating entities. 3. A Luck improvement roll at the beginning of a session (1d10).
When I was playing the chapters were relatively long and I was looking for another way to reward my players.

It can be frustrating to have an with a slew of ticked skills and have to wait several sessions to improve them, especially given the high mortality/insanity rate of !
Thus, I introduced a simple additional reward system: Session Learnings. After a session, players are invited to describe something their character learned the previous session. In exchange, the receives an appropriate small reward, such as 1-2 points of Luck, or 1-2% in a skill.

This can be a way to reward points in skills that are uncommon or so low that improvement during the development phase is unlikely. These small increments will not break the game, if you avoid handing them out regularly for often used skills, like Spot Hidden. And, it opened the way for a reward type that has become quite welcome with my players: Add-on skills. I have devised some skills that start at 1% and can be either regularly rolled by themselves on a OR

…they can be added to an existing skill! My favorite example is Paranoia. I will sometimes even give out 1-2% in this skill during play itself, if the PCs are totally paranoid, weighing possibilities that are more outlandish than anything I could ever devise! Paranoia can be added to Spot Hidden, Listen, Psychology skill rolls etc. I find this approach is a fun way to improve rewards and can also give the an edge in their fight against the .