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This week's Featured Links post has links to articles about what the US withdrawal from the WHO will mean, how dust from chicken barns could be spreading avian flu, how authors are being victimized by AI-generated copies of their books, and more.

#AI, #Books, #H5N1, #Medical, #MicrosoftWord, #Photography, #Politics, #Science, #SFF

coredump3.blogspot.comFeatured Links - January 27, 2025Links to things I found interesting but didn't want to do a full blog post about. Swans on a foggy bay Cultivating fandoms . "Charles Stross...

Dear writers (but also artists of otter kinds), especially those writing smut, kink and everything in between,

Do you publish your work in form of files on various websites? Please for the love of Cthulhu - scrub your metadata! Some programs, particularly Microsoft Word really love to get very intimate with your IRL identity (by integrating with your Microsoft account) and then default to produce all documents with your legal name baked into them.

I've sent 3 messages to writers because 3 writers out of 20 stories I've downloaded off a furry website had their legal name in file metadata. :blobfoxgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands:

This wasn't intended if to believe 2 of responses I've got.

If you care about separation of your online identity and IRL identity, do make sure your documents don't have more than you are willing others to see in the metadata.

After being inspired by DoomPDF (a port of Doom that will run from a PDF), software engineer Wojciech Graj (who has made other Doom projects, like an ASCII version, a Minecraft version, and a Stardew Valley version) has now made a version of Doom that runs in a 6.6MB Microsoft Word document:

More about it here:


Grade beim Durchsuchen des Hashtags #MicrosoftWord gelernt:

Es gibt eine versteckte Einstellung, die automatisch Inhalte von geschriebenen Texten zum Trainieren von Microsofts AI nutzt. 🤯🤯
Ich weiß jetzt nicht so genau, wie sich das im Falle einer VM verhält, aber hab das mal vorsorglich abgestellt.
Dachte eigtl, das war nur so n Windows 11 Ding, aber habe das bei mir in der Windows 10 Version auch gefunden, und natürlich war es aktiviert per default. 🙄🙄

Hier mit der Beschreibung kann man zu der entsprechenden Einstellung gelangen:

Fand ich sehr hilfreich, das zu wissen.

From blog post I won’t beat around the bush. Microsoft Office doesn’t make it easy to opt out of this new AI privacy agreement, as the feature is hidden through a series of popup menus in your settings: On a Windows computer, follow these steps to turn off “Connected Experiences”: File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options > Privacy Settings > Optional Connected Experiences > Uncheck box: “Turn on optional connected experiences”
MastodonnixCraft 🐧 ( 1 image Microsoft Connected Experiences means they collect your Word and Excel files for AI training. Why not call it AI training? Why use such words? This is an unethical practice followed by a trillion-dollar corporation. How is this even legal? I am so glad that I don’t have Windows OS or MS office.

#LibreOfficeWriter vs #MicrosoftWord

Bin gerade mal etwas am Üben mit MS Word mit einem Text, den ich sowieso schreiben muss. Hab den Text in LibreOffice angefangen, dann mit einer Kopie des Textes in Word weitergearbeitet. Umwandlung von odt.Datei in docx.Datei ging sehr gut. Aber was mich grade bisschen Nerven gekostet hat, ist die Einstellung, die LibreOffice schon ganz automatisch mitbringt: Ersetzen einer Zeichenkombination in das entsprechende Symbol, hier aktuell grade waagrechter Rechts- oder Linkspfeil. Also so wie: "->" dann Umwandlung in das entsprechende Pfeilsymbol. Hab mir grade nen Wolf gesucht in Word, wie man das einstellt. Mega versteckt in Unterunteruntermenüs. 🤯🤯🤦‍♀️
Jetzt weiß ich wieder, warum ich Word hasse....

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@vvelox @SecurityWriter @hollowone

In terms of #Desktop #Apps I disagree:

As for #collaboration tools, I think that @nextcloud and @CollaboraOffice are the way better options than #Office365 and those ain't the only ones on the market either (see #openXchange and other suites)...

  • Like I'd subscribe to @monocles or @Stuxhost any day for that and I'm shure both are receptive to organization-based subscribers...

And unless you want to make printable stuff, #git and fancy frontends like #gitlab and #gitea exist that make it easy to collaboratetively edit #markdown to the point that it's my go-to solution.

In the end my observation is that most people don't switch because either it's not painful enough and/or they just don't know better and think that #computing must suck as a fact of life!

To all my writer friends that use MS Word - Microsoft has turned their AI bits and bots on to automatically go through anything done via Word.

Here's how to turn it off.

> Programs > Programs and Features > Uninstall Microsoft Office > Open browser > go to > download @libreoffice

Then install LibreOffice on your computer and use Writer instead of Word.

libreoffice.orgHome | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with MicrosoftFree office suite – the evolution of OpenOffice. Compatible with Microsoft .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx. Updated regularly, community powered.

Microsoft warnt vor Word-Fehler: Dateien gelöscht statt gespeichert

Microsoft warnt vor einem Fehler in Word aus Microsoft 365, wodurch die Textverarbeitung Dokumente löscht, anstatt sie zu speichern.

Does #MicrosoftWord really require cloud account/connection for its autosave feature?

It's 2024, we have fast, spacious SSDs. Pick any #HIG out there and it will tell you to store app state seamlessly in the background. Requiring user to constantly click 💾 or lose data is borderline sadistic. I get the "upsell" idea, but both Windows and Office are paid products in their own right.

User has already paid you, the file is sitting there on the disk, just update it ffs.