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「 It’s a rejection that couldn’t be clearer: More than 94 percent of t-online readers say they won’t buy a Tesla again. Only three percent said they would still consider a car from the former electric pioneer. Around 100,000 readers voted—a record turnout. The message is clear: Germans are turning their backs on Tesla 」

Electrek · Tesla is done in Germany: 94% say they won’t buy a Tesla carVon Fred Lambert

Are you from #Europe? From the #EU? Just a quick reminder that #Russia hates you as a part of the #West. Do not trust them even when they smile and show themselves as those who want #peace. They want more land. They are a bloody monster who will bite Europe bit by bit. #Baltics? #Finland? #Poland? #Romania? First to go. Next? #Germany, #Sweden. They will come to you eventually. This is what they have always been throughout history. A backwards society that hates the West.That’s it #ViveLaEurope