Today on the blog, we're going to revisit Fantasy AGE 2e, with a look at the supplement Cthulhu Mythos. #TTRPGs #FantasyAGE
Today on the blog, we're going to revisit Fantasy AGE 2e, with a look at the supplement Cthulhu Mythos. #TTRPGs #FantasyAGE
Intro and regional map for the Hellish Hordes of Domun.
#ttrpg #fantasyAGE
The Ogre Ancestry for Fantasy AGE in my setting of Domun. Take a look. #ttrpg #fantasyAge
Yesterday's #TTRPG mailbag.
#ForbiddenLands I have been eyeballing this one for a while. I really like the #YearZeroEngine and I like a lot of what this has to offer. The only concern I have is the Willpower currency, but online chats have said it works.
(I own way too many fantasy RPGs.)
#Marvel Multiversal: I wasn't sure if I would ever buy this; I prefer ICONS for superheroic stuff. However, the mechanics as similar enough to #FantasyAGE that I was sold.
Zum neuen Jahr habe ich wie gewohnt eine #Zufallstabelle für euch. Es geht wieder ins #Fantasy Dorf und zu den Festen, die sie dort feiern.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen und ein frohes neues Jahr!
#dsa #dnd5e #ArcaneCodex #FantasyAge #rollenspiel
Spielt hier wer das AGE-System in einer der verschiedenen Ausformungen? #TheExpanseRPG ? #fantasyage , #dragonage , #ModernAGE ? Habt ihr euch etwas überlegt, die Stunts zugänglicher zu machen?
I'll be switching my D&D group to new rules and currently Considering a few options: Pathfinder 2E Remastered, Fantasy AGE, and now that new Dagger Heart.
Anyone have other games that I should check out? Es gibt mittlerweile einige Verlage, die ihre hauseigenen Systeme für Creator freigegeben haben.
Modiphius hat für 2D20 ein System Reference Document herausgebracht, das man nutzen kann.
Green Ronin erlaubt Third Party Content für seine #DnD Alternative #FantasyAge und #ModernAge.
#FreeLeague erlaubt Selbiges für Spiele, die nicht auch Franchise beruhen ( #forbiddenlands , #Coriolis etc).
Die Lizenzen findet man auf #DriveThruRPG.
Hey. I'm Duane, the Duke of Fall. I'm a network engineer and general tech nerd. I've been playing #ttrpgs since the early 90s. I currently play Fantasy AGE, and 5e D&D, but I've played a bunch of systems over the years. I build and maintain a homebrew campaign setting called Yewdar that I run several games in as part of a connected tabletop universe. I toot about that most over on @duane.