The cool thing about #CreativeCommons licensing are the surprises: @cfeditions published multilingual EN/FR and DE/FR Ada & #Zangemann books and last week I was invited to an event in Straßburg where where @lelibreedu handed out ice cream to people working in digital education in France:
We're getting word about a #Copyright claim on Youtube
against this track playing on our radio
during a video, that needed 2nd level escalation
before the fraudulent fake-name "copyright owner" backed the fuck down.
People routinely steal free music and claim it as their own.
Thank you for the #CreativeCommons #CCBY music.
I have a soft spot for cheesy, retro music toys, and this record provides. And it's in the Creative Commons!
hat tip to @toddlyons for the link. I wanted to add a comment to this excellent run down of the OGL and the industry. However, it gets one point wrong.
"But, there’s a reason that Creative Commons hasn’t caught on further: you have to either be committed to releasing your entire content into the Creative Comments ... or you have to carefully construct an SRD for each publication so that you only release certain content"
This is false. And this falsehood seems to have spread far and wide like an ear worm. To clarify, you can specify what is and is not under the license. It is your work, you can delineate it however you want.
Same story for Lizzie Boredom, pretty much. But Lizzie likes to lean on the synths a bit more.
One day people'll appreciate how great my lyrics are too.
On a purely base level "All she loves is yet to come, and then she'll-, well she'll" is really ace, even you have to admit that, right?
2023 remaster:
2019 original:
Here's a fun punky E minor tale.
I remastered A New Home in 2023 as I wanted to show Pais's bass work, and show my vocal mixing as being pretty good, for people who like clean stuff:
The original mix of A New Home, which I prefer looking back on it, is on Cult Rock Accommodation and is fuzzier, and much less clean, for the sake of reminding people of cassette tapes and pure garage rock:
I've seen this in the #OpenContent world also, where some organization will add a non-free clause to a #CreativeCommons license. Also sometimes add onerous crediting requirements (like "you must include our name, copyright, and a link to our site on every single page").
Both seem like odd things to do - why not just make a similar license (call it "inspired by" the original if you want), take out the conflicting portions, add your non-free portion, ???, and profit!
And the counterpoint to that song is this:
Being dragged down, further layers on top of familiar resting points, and further proof that I may simply be a zombie.
Hmm. Maybe this is my best song in terms of composition and going to 100 different places:
A high note, at least.
@synapsenkitzler @peter_kropotkin @Outis @linuzifer zum remixen wär eine info auf der seite zur lizenz sehr nützlich. ist das CC0 oder CC4 ? #creativecommons oder ganz was anderes?