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@davidrevoy In the context of this: while many of the actions of @mozilla feel annoying (i.e. axing FirefoxOS just before it became widespread in South America) and while it doesn’t look like that if you plot a market share which includes the massively growing number of mobile devices with a bundled browser:

Firefox has been mostly keeping its users since 2017.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@lanodan That’s interesting — thank you! it looks like two different slopes: one mostly constant until 2022, and then something happened that made it worse.

It lost 5 Million users (when looking only at the maximum) per year from 2020 to 2022, and from 2022 to 2024 it lost 10 to 15 million users per year.

That’s a doubled or tripled loss rate that’s not yet in my graphs.

Do you remember what @mozilla did in 2022?


@lanodan @davidrevoy @mozilla @ArneBab It would be nice if telemetry could be done without a risk of linking to users, but I sincerely don't trust anyone to do this right except maybe duckduckgo and even then its with a small grain of salt.

To be honest, I remember hearing they do static ads.

If true, that's the only business model that works for ads that users don't get pissed off about 90% of the time.